Believe that something wonderful is about to happen​


Healing is a profound and spiritual method to provide relief, support, and transformation for emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical issues. In my practice, each treatment focuses on restoring inner balance and promoting healing on all levels of your being.

Emotional healing and balance

Healing focuses on a person's emotional well-being. It can help process emotional trauma, release negative emotions and restore inner balance. Through emotional healing one can experience more resilience, joy and harmony in daily life.

Mental peace and clarity

Healing can help calm the mind, reduce stress and create mental clarity. By releasing limiting thoughts and balancing mental energies, healing can promote a sense of calm, focus and clarity for a healthy mental state.

Relief of physical complaints

Healing can help reduce physical discomfort and promote healing on a physical level. The healing energies can remove blockages and restore the natural balance in the body, which can lead to relief from pain, tension and other physical complaints.

Spiritual development

Healing can increase spiritual awareness and promote personality development by breaking through inner blockages. The high frequency of healing energy touches unconscious layers, leading to emotional growth and a deeper understanding of yourself. This strengthens your intuition and offers a more balanced perspective on personal challenges.

About me

Ever since I was young I have known that there is more between heaven and earth. It was only around the age of 30 that I started to develop and deepen my skills more. I became aware of my gift to heal people.

In the meantime, I have completed many courses and have been working with healing energies for over 30 years. An important aspect of my work is the use of the Merkaba, a powerful energetic field that helps raise vibrations and promote profound spiritual growth.

And I continue to develop myself. I experience my development and my healings as miracles, for which I am very grateful. These experiences have taught me that something amazing is always about to happen. Therefore my saying; “believe that something wonderful is about to happen”.

Drs. Jacqueline van Mastrigt

About me

Ever since I was young I have known that there is more between heaven and earth. It was only around the age of 30 that I started to develop and deepen my skills more. I became aware of my gift to heal people.

In the meantime, I have completed many courses and have been working with healing energies for over 30 years. An important aspect of my work is the use of the Merkaba, a powerful energetic field that helps raise vibrations and promote profound spiritual growth.

And I continue to develop myself. I experience my development and my healings as miracles, for which I am very grateful. These experiences have taught me that something amazing is always about to happen. Therefore my saying; “believe that something wonderful is about to happen”.

Drs. Jacqueline van Mastrigt

The treatment

The healing leads to improvement, change, harmonization, relief, support or total healing of a complaint. The healing can be given for physical, emotional, mental or spiritual complaints. It works on all levels. So you can receive healing for hereditary diseases, old age complaints, nutritional problems, fears, addictions, fatigue, bereavement, burnout, complaints of high sensitivity, but also apply it for more insight and depth.

The result of the healing differs per person. The same applies to the duration and number of treatments required. It may happen that the complaint first worsens before an improvement occurs. Causes sometimes lie deeper and that can require patience. With some diseases you also do not know what the intention is for that person at the highest level. I assume that you will quickly notice some change, even after one treatment.

How do I work?

After a short intake and explanation, we discuss together what I will focus on during the healing. The healing itself takes place in silence, through the laying on of hands I am able to send or guide the healing energies to you. Afterwards we will discuss our experiences and I will give you some advice if necessary.

A treatment costs €55 and I will reserve about an hour for this for you. For the first healing, take into account 1.5 hours to be safe.

A live treatment is preferred. However, in the event that a personal visit is not possible, I also treat people remotely with good results.


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Balance and tranquility

“A treatment from Jacqueline always provides more balance and peace. She senses exactly what is needed, even if you are not yet aware of it. Her softness, openness and energy provide deep relaxation that you will continue to feel for days. Highly recommended."



Jacq has helped me to ground myself well, gives me insight into myself by asking the right questions and ensures that my energy becomes better and more. The first time Jacq gave me a treatment, energy flowed through my body, in later treatments Jacq always knew where the problem occurred. She helped me get started without pushing.”



I feel seen, heard and safe with Jacqueline. She really takes the time for you. Her treatmentsfeel very relaxing and bring me insight and clarity. She coaches well and does not hesitate to highlight your dark sides. She never strings you along, but focuses on your possibilities and development.
